If everybody did like me, how much of Jesus would all see?
Would they talk speech of good and right?
Or would their mouths not so delight?
If everybody did like me, would that great Bible open be?
Would all commandments there be heeded,
Or God’s great Word just never needed?
If everybody did like me, would truth be there the soul to free?
Or is it that such would be hid,
And so, concealed with Satan’s lid?
If everybody did like me, would in all lives be that word “glee?”
Or could it be that frowns and sour,
Would dominate mankind each hour?
If everybody did like me, would prayer be made on bended knee?
Or would the world in every way,
Be arrogant and smug each day?
If everybody did like me, would love be THE prime root and key?
Or would mankind be full of hate,
To seal up his eternal fate?
If everybody did like me, would they know sin and its great fee?
Or would humanity be blind,
To pay the cost of sin unkind?
If everybody did like me, what would be their vocabulary?
Would all the words be nice to say,
Or laced with curing all the way?
If everybody did like me, what be all personality?
Would it be like the Golden Rule,
Or manifest itself as cruel?
If everybody did like me, would all attend church faithfully?
Or would there no no Sunday eve,
Nor weeknight time for Bible study?
If everybody did like me, what would be TOP priority?
To trod the strait and narrow way,
How would it be in life, I say?