Welcome To Eagle Rock Road Church of Christ in Branson, Missouri.
We are glad you found us. We are a group who recognize only the Bible, a.k.a. “the Word of God,” as the divine standard of authority in religion. We do not study, nor do we abide by, any man-made creeds, catechisms, or dogmas. If you are looking for a church that follows only the New Testament pattern in religion, and if you are tired of being fed one doctrine after another that is foreign to God’s written teaching, then do come worship with us when vacationing in the Branson area. As well, any of you living in the area are also invited to worship with us.
The soul is the most precious part of man, and where that soul will dwell eternally will depend on what is studies and lived by in the realm of religion, while existing on this earth. The proverbial “welcome” mat is always out for you, along with any opportunity to study the Bible together.
In the meantime, please check out our entire website. You are invited to hear the sermons presented, along with the articles written for your spiritual benefit. We only ask that you be like Berea who “searched the scriptures daily,” to see “whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). We at Eagle Rock Road care only to teach “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” as the truth of God is the only thing to set man free from sin (John 8:32). We strive to throughly follow the unity platform of Jehovah God mentioned in Ephesians 4:4-6.
We hope you enjoy traveling through our website, as there will be updates made from time to time. Again, come see us in Branson!
Philip North
Preacher for the Eagle Rock Church of Christ