To live full obedience to God is most wise,
For doing Him wrong means a different demise
Your life will be much more rewarding and sure,
When making God happy, which for you, proves secure
True joy does await you when God is obeyed,
So do not at all by the Tempter be swayed
Our Maker knows what is the best for our lives,
While only on trouble and hurt Satan thrives
Obeying the Lord means much joy and hope,
For showers of blessings will broaden your scope
A full satisfaction will stem from all this,
As real inner peace will be yours, also bliss
Do not be fooled into thinking otherwise
Refuse to be tricked by the Devil’s disguise
He wants you to listen to him, not to God,
As long as you live, and wherever you trod
Your body, your tongue, your mind, and your heart,
Should focus on God with each fiber and part
The real erudition of what must be heard,
Is found solely within that book—-His Word
God’s Bible will guide you through all of your life,
Neglect it, and you ask for heartache and strife
The true man of wisdom can see all the way,
That serving one’s self makes for going astray
Be humble and careful to seek merely truth,
Live only for Him, like the beloved Ruth
Keep looking to better yourself here on earth,
By seeking the Kingdom of God and its worth
Whatever God says is His good book is right,
Believe all you read, do not hamper your plight
You live but just once, there is no second chance,
Make up your mind now to take up the right stance!
Just guessing salvation is yours means all nil,
So you must know well, and for sure, His good will
Relieve every fear, all impediment and doubt,
And grasp what obeying God is all about!
Yes! Honor Jehovah, His every command,
Then ever so firmly and straight you will stand
Do not learn the hard way when time is no more,
That obeying God makes for true Heavenly store!